Saturday, November 28, 2015

A feel in Kyoto - the ancient capital of Japan

Kyoto, written in Japanese as 京 都. In Japanese writing, which uses about 3000 Chinese characters called Kanji[汉字], mostly have similiar with Chinese in meaning but pronounced in Japanese way. For example, 京 [capital] is pronounced kyo, so if you know 东 (eastern, pronounced as 'to'), it's easy to deduce the meaning of [东 京 ]. That's why Japanese people consider their country similiar in culture with China, even though their poitical-military relation is not always friendly. Foreigners who already know Kanji can learn Japanese much more easily compared to someone who knows French want to learn English, or someone who knows Russian want to lean Ukrainian, Bulgarian...

Kyoto, also called 平安 京 (Peaceful Capital/ Heiankyo), is the capital of Japan from eighth to nineteenth century, that is, until 1868 when Emperor Meiji decided to move to Tokyo. Many Japanese people today still think Kyoto is the 'number one monarchs capital of all times', whereas Tokyo is just a city in the east of Japan.

Throughout eleven century as a capital of a country with great, unique culture in the East, Kyoto still retains more than 2000 Buddhist pagodas and Shinto (a traditional religion in Japan) temples, as well as the Royal Palace, the ancient castles, mausoleum...

During World War II, American planned to drop the atomic bomb on Kyoto, but then they feel that they "can't bring themselves to destroy the beauty of this city" (According to the memoirs of some US generals).

Kyoto is planned with the model is Chang'an city [长安] (now Xi'an [西安]) of Tang Dynasty in China. The Royal Palace looks southward, so Okyo (the right part of the capital) is situated in the west, while Sakyo is located in the east. Many streets nowadays as Nakagyo, Shimogyo and Kamigyo remain in its place as in the eighth century. Three sides of Kyoto is surrounded by Higashyama mountains, being dyed red with maple leaves when autumn comes...

清水寺 is the name of a pagoda, written in Kanji by Japanese people and printed on Japanese literature. At the same time, they use Latin characters to record the kanji reading as Kiyomizu to put on computers, smart phones or in newspapers published in foreign languages. Kiyomizu means pure water, holy water...

Kyomizu was built in 778, before Kyoto became the capital of Japan. Within the pagoda ground, there are 15 constructions with different architectural appearance. The main hall is expanded inoto a vast wooden floor, supported by rows of 12 meters tall pillars made by keyaki wood, assembled by tenon without a single nail. The patio floor is made by 410 pieces of solid cypress wood. Standing on the patio, one can get the panoramic view of Kyoto

Haunted hotels causing most fear around the world

Prison hotel Karosta, Latvia

In 20th century, Karosta was used as a military prison by the Nazis. According to the records, thousands of prisoners lost their lives here. Later, they rebuild and transform Karosta into a hotel. However, it seems like there still are grievance souls here. Many stories have been told by hotel staff like self-closing door, the ghost of a woman who hanged herself wandering in the hallway.

Burchianti, Italy

Burchianti was rumored to be home of many ghost wandering. The guests who stayed overnight here insist that they had the feeling ò being watched from behind and the icy breath brushing their face.

Russell hotel, Australia

The room number 8 of Russell hotel is the most haunted place. The staff said they here many strange footsteps in the night coming from the room. The hotel even offers ghost tour so travelers can learn more about its haunting past.

Dragsholm Slot, Denmark

Dragsholm Slot was built in 12th century. Surrounding it are many haunting stories like the ghosts of two women and count Bothwell. Count Bothwell was supposed to be imprisoned in the castle and died in private basement in 1578.

Carolina Inn, USA

The guests who have stayed overnight here said they saw a fat man wearing a long blue coat wandring around the hall area. According to the description, this man looks exactly like Dr. Jacocks, a former tenants who died here. Those guests even heard footsteps at night in the emty room.

Fairmont Banff Springs, Canada

Fairmont Banfl Springs also called haunted hotel even though it located in a beautiful location of Rocky Mountains area. According to rumors, the ghost of a hotel emplyee named Sam Macauley who died in 1967 still exists here.

Grand Hyatt, Taiwan (China)

Grand Hyatt is a luxury resort in Taipei city, Taiwan. It was built on the land that once was a political prison in pre-war period. According to local people, many prisoners were executed and diedd unjustly right here. To exorcise, a sacred statue is placed at the front lobby.

Ballygally, Northern Ireland

Isobella Shaw, a woman used to live here around 1625, is said to mysteriously disapper. As the legend said, after giving birth, she was locked in a room and starved. Finally, she died while trying to escape. The old castle was redesigned later into a hotel and people still tell each other the story of a ghost woman hiding inside.

Top 10 World-class bars

 Top 10 World-class bars

 The bar in the number one spot is Artesian of Langham hotel, London, England, thanks to its typical cocktail menu.

Dead Rabbit grocery and Grog was named after an American-Ireland gang that appeared from mid-19th century. This bar in New York will bring you back to the past where the pub serves beer, whiskey and even lunch. Drink International commented: " Factor of leading class is in the revolution of bar transformation in Irish-style along with the quality of each coktail glass".

Nightjar is another bar located in London, England. It has a bold artistry design, showcase the drinks back from 1920. Nightjar has a lifetime of 50 years and is described as 'a destination for guests of all time'.

Employee Only is described as a 'essence' bar in New York, USA. It meets many customers' needs like rendezvous, somewhere to find a drink before dinner, or simply a meeting place to drink.

Have a bold American name, American Bar is located in London, England and has a lifetime of 126 years. This bar represents durable life of American culture coming back to England in late 19th early 20th century.

Baxter Inn is where you can comfortably select one in 600 bottles of beverages. The bar is located neatly in a basemenet at a small street corner in Sydney, Australia.

28 Hongkong street, Singapore, is an adress for local residents to experience the kind of bar where people share a similar atmosphere to New York, USA.

In London, Happiness Forgets will give you the feeling of being in a cozy, classic place.

Cannought Bar in London is a bar with a lot of prominent elements from the super stylish decoration interior to proper service and especially the enchating cocktail glasses.

Situated in Melbourne, Australia, Black Pearl bar has a lifetime of 14 years but is highly regarded not only for its drinks but also its classic charm and skillful bartenders.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Impressive bridges in the world

The most unique bridges in the world

 The bridge crosses East Sea in China, which known as East China Sea Bridge, was completed in May 2005. With 30,5km long, it's one of the longest cross-sea bridge in the world, connects Shanghai with Yangshan Port.

Seven Mile Bridge in Florida, USA, running between the Gulf of Mexico and the Straits of Florida, is about 11km long. Every April, the bridge is closed for several hours to held a "fun run" competition to commemorate the construction.

If you are afraid of height, you should not cross Millau bridge. This construction crosses Tam valley, near Millau in southern France, with 342m high pillars. It's considered the world's tallest bridge.

Bridges are not only for road vehicles. Ships in German use the huge water bridge Madgeburg to travel between Elbe-Havel and Mittelland canal. This 1km long bridge was opened in 2006, took 6 years to build and cost 500 million euro.

Chengyang Bridge is one of the most famous bridges with roof in Guangxi province, China. Built in 1916, mainly from wood and stone, the 65m long bridge crossing Linxi River.

Coronado Bridge in San Diego, USA, is one of the few bridges become famous by a television show. 3,2km long, linking Coronado and Sand Diego city, went into operation since 1969, and finally became the focus of the famous show "Simon & Simon" in 1980s.

Lupu Bridge in Shanghai, China, is the longest arched bridge in the world, about 3,2km. When launched in 2003, it beat the previous record of River Gorge Bridge in Fayetteville, West Virginia, USA.

Khajiu Bridge is one of the most famous bridges in Iran. Shah Abbas II built it based on an old bridge in 1650. It has 23 arches and is 105m long, 14m wide.

Gateshead Millennium Bridge is the only tilted bridge for pedestrians and cyclists, spanning Tyne river in England. With water force, the bridge can turn hoizontally allowing boats passing by.

Nanphu Bridge that spans Huangpu River is one of the main bridges in Shangai, and at the same time the first cable bridge with over 400m long spans in China. According to Amusing Planet, the two 150m high H-shaped pillars were built at two side of the bridge, including 22 pairs of steel cables arranged like a fan to support the girders. A special feature of the bridge is its spiral design, reducing the slope for vehicles. With a total length of 8346m, Nanpu Bridge is like a dragon linking the old Shanghai with Pudong district area wich is growing rapidly.

Da Vinci bridge in Norway was sketched by Leonardo Da Vinci in 1502 for Sultan Bajazet II emperor of Ottoman Empire (1453-1922). But only 500 years later that this design became reality thanks to the Norwegian painter Vebjorn Sand. According to Popular Mechanics, this bridges intended for pedestrians was inaugurated in 2001 and ran across E18 highway in Norway. For centuries, sketch of Da Vinci was considered unfeasible. The curved pylon is too thin at the deck, yet flared at the ground. The original plan of Da Vinci is to build a 220m long bridge, but Sand and his colleagues shorrtened it to 90m.

Eshima Ohashi bridge in Japan connects Matsue and Sakaiminato city, stretching 1.6km across Nakaumi lake. According to Independent, the bridge has a slope of 6.1% in Shimane Prefecture side and 5.1% in Tottori Province, makes it look like a roller-coaster peak.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Australia's Stonehenge - a big unsolved mystery

Detection of a construction deemed to be "Australian Stonehenge"

Stonehenge was built in 2000-2500 BC in Wiltshire, Salisbury, UK, is one of the most mysterious prehistoric monuments in the world. Scholars offer many theories about origin of Stonehenge as a burial place, ceremoonial site, a medical treatment site or even traces of aliens. Thousands kilometers from here, a construction known as "Australia's Stonehenge" is also a big mystery for scientists.

According to IBTimes, the construction located 40km from Mullumbimby, New South Wales. Was mostly damaged in 1940s, its precise location is kept to this day.

                   Reconstruction image of the work considered Australia's Stonehenge. (Photo: IB Times).

The first one recorded about Stonehenge replica in 1939 is the explorer Frederic Slater, former president of Australia Education and Archaeology Research Association. Slater has written many letters expressing his excitement with the discovery.

"The land is one of the oldest structure. I think this is the oldest form of temple in the world, existed from Stone Age with the first humans", quotes Slater's notes. The explorer said this structure has even more important implications than Stonehenge.

The monuments area includes 181 erected stones, mostly sandstones which do not exist naturally in the region. Closest sandstone quarry is more than 20km from here. In condition of no suitable tools, the ancients was hardly capable of moving this lot of rocks. Stonehenge replica may also contain the first inscriptions of human language - a complex system of multiple layers consisting thousands words.

2015, Steven Strong and his son Evan, specialized in studying antiques begun to searching remains of the structure they believe to be 'one of the most important locations in the world".

"The letters of Slater was lost and has been recovered. We are seeking to prove his statement that the first human language was recorded here. It's a combination of hand symbols, characters, body parts... Slater has found more than 28,000 words of this language", the Strongs said.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The most "naked" bridge in the world

Kuandinsky - The most dangerous bridge

The 570m long bridge across Vitim river doesn't really look like a bridge. With a with of just over 2m, no protective railings, any car can lost control while crossing the bridge. The rotted metal structure of the bridge is covered with mere old wood on the surface, so it will become very slippery in snow season, and that means most of the year due to the climate.

Once being a railway bridge located on 4324km route crossing easthern Siberia and Russian Far East, yet the bridge was never inaugurated, so people of Kuanda village started using it to cross Vitim river. Also because it's not officialy a bridge for motor vehicles, it barely be repaired during last 3 decades. Time and extreme climate has caused severe damage to the bridge, often broke under the trucks weight, leaving gaps that drivers must fill with wooden planks themselves to go through.

Despite that, Kuandinsky still 'welcomes' more and more vehicles. Going frome one side to another is considered an 'achievement' and experienced truck drivers often share their secrets of how to cross the bridge online. And though Kuanda villagers began to leave to search elsewhere for better life, the bridge will still be here as an tourist attraction.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Seoul - the most worth-living city in the world

Seoul, a city filling with creative energy

That's a comment of Ruchika Sahai, who used to live in New York, Tokyo and moved from Sydney, Australia two years ago. According to Ruchika Sahai, Seoul people have a catch phrase "Pali pali" which means "quick, quick" to indicate the vibrant lifestyle of this bustling Asian city, busy yet so popular, because it has a creative feel in every aspect of life, from music, technology, fashion to travel or food... "This is the most vibrant city i have ever lived in", said Sahai Ruchika.

Despite the busy lifestyle, Seoul residents are very friendly, always willing to help people, and that's why Seoul people were named "Italian of the East", this title makes them so proud that they often have a heart symbol on sleeve or belt to show hospitality and not afraid to show their emotions.

                                                          Enjoy exotic dishes in Seoul

Creative energy of Koreans is abundant and inexhaustible, and also thank to it that Seoul become a center of creativity, especially in the field of music, technology, fashion and tourism, creating a premise for the city to become the most 'cool' place, worth-living in the world the early 21st century. According to Taylor Evans, a female students from US comes to Seoul to participate in exchange programs with Kookmin University: "Korea is trying to create many surprises. Small businesses in Seoul really are dynamic machines, regularly introduce product with high intelligence level and Asian beauty".

For exemple, in a cafe, people can watch popular TV shows projected on concrete walls, or a hair studio also being a teahouse, or a bar with many new ideas in the menu that makes visitor remember forever. There even is someone who had to admit that each day in Seoul is a new adventure full of fun.

                                                                   Seoul street by night

Seoul, a 'worth living' city

Through investigate Ruchika Sahai found out that there are two groups of expatriates living in Seoul. One wants to create comfort of their own hometown, and another prefers to experience Seoul lifestyle. Itaewon, the area in the south of the city is the headquarter of shops, stores and cafeteria for foreigners. Seongbuk-dong in Seoul's northeast is where the Hanok houses are (houses built in traditional Korean architecture).

And the Yeonhui-dong area, west of Seoul, is where Ruchika Sahai living. There are many international schools for foreigners who come with their family. Meanwhile French-speaking families are living near Bangbae in the south, where French schools gather. Hapjeong, where Taylor Evans is living, is very poetic, near Han river and Hongdae university.

                                                    Seoul at the end of working hours

Most native people are living in condominiums with reasonable cost, the apartments with essential services such as health care, shopping and entertainment services to satisfy residents' needs 24/7. In addition, there are houses for groups of expatriates built in suburban Itaewon, Seongbukdong, Yoenhuidong and Bangbae.

Visitors often come to Seoul through Incheon International Airport, with safe, affordable and convenient transportations. Coming from Beijing takes about 2 hours, from Tokyo 2 hours and a half, and from Hong Kong 3 hours and a half. The flight often cost under 350,000 Korean Won (approximately 300 USD). In addition to airline, there are more convenient transportations in Seoul. Metro is a popular and easy choice, with low cost for traveling during the day. For exemple, to get to Sewon city, it only takes one hour on metro.

                      People of Seoul using multimedia devices to access public transport services.

This is an old city, an impressive historical tourist attraction built from 1794, where is majestic Hwaseong fortress, poetic Sewoncheon river and friendly forest with healthy climate. Futher from here is the second largest city in Korea, Busan, a seaport and festival site, located 325 km southeast of Seoul, takes 2 hours and a half by train or 4 hours by car.

The living cost in Seoul is what people interest in. Although it's more expensive than capitals of some countries in Asian, Seoul's expensive is worth it. For exemple, subway fares and bus fares are about 1,350 won (1,16$), transit is free. Taxi also has affordable fares, around 11,560 won (9,9$) for 8km long.

                                                     Seoul, the capital of creativity

According to a website specializing in living costs, housing in Seoul is 50% cheaper than New York or London, only about 2,3 million won (2,000 USD) for a 85m2 apartment. According to Taylor Evans, shopping in Seoul is also cheap and interesting, especially at local stores and markets. "The only thing everyone agrees on that it's expensive is coffee. So if you want to drink coffee in Korea, you should think carefully", Taylor Evans suggests.